Category: Ultra Trail

  • Ultra Trail Hong Kong 100

    Ultra Trail Hong Kong 100

    12778987_227304510948199_4246501313237637228_oThis was  monster of a race. 106km with a total ascent of 4,500 meters over some brutal trail. Not for the faint hearted and a good bit harder that anything I’d previously ran. The race took almost 21 hours to complete and left me shattered but happy to have finished what would be only my second 100k trail race.


  • Race to the Stones 100k non-stop

    Race to the Stones 100k non-stop

    Struggling with the kit

    Last Saturday, the 19th of July, I ran the Race to the Stones 100k ultra along the Chiltern Ridgeway in the south of England near Oxford. The Ridgeway is an area of outstanding natural beauty and has been a route for travelers in Britain for over 5,000 years. For me, it would mean extending my previous record running distance by over 30k on a hilly course with mixed terrain. While the course didn’t cover anything you might consider as a serious climb and the weather wasn’t anything too extreme, the sheer distance proved to be quite a test, both physically and mentally.
