Baitang Parkrun 5k 2023/24 Points Table

men | ladies | age-graded

Rank Name Points * #Races Places
1 Martina Liu 9500131, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 4, 5
2 Judy Pu 466671, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3
3 颖 王 450051, 1, 1, 1, 2
4 Aurora Mao 449971, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 6
5 Xingyi Ouyang 350041, 1, 1, 2
6 Katarina Weng 300031, 1, 1
7 Stephanie Gibbons 200021, 1
8 Pan Paris 175031, 2, 4
9 Kathy Li 100011
10 Anya Dmitrieva 100011
11 Harriet Hall 50012
12 Sophia Fu 50012
13 Millie Huang 50012
14 Ivy Zhou 50012
15 Dora 漆蔚 50012
16 宛罄 吴 50012
17 Mandy Liao 33313
18 李 女 33313
19 Monika Anna 33313
20 Peng Huaiyu 33313
21 燕 徐 25014
22 Trinh Kim 25014
23 Evan Luang 20015
* Points are awarded for each race using the formula 1000/p where p is the gender position of the runner in the race and the points total for the race is rounded down to the nearest integer value. For example, 1st place 1000/1 =1000, 2nd place 1000/2=500, 3rd place 1000/3=333, 4th place 250, 5th 200 etc. The points total for each runner is calculated as the sum of the runners top ten scoring races of the regular season.